Day of Data Planning

Data Science will begin this semester hosting events (tentatively one in fall, one in spring) inviting people in Wayne County government, United Way, and other local groups to send representatives to Earlham to pose questions to us that can be answered with data. From there we would spend a couple of days making that happen and, ideally, deliver answers to them.

This can be part of a broader trend. Already cities in the US and Europe are making an effort to be data-driven: gathering and looking at numbers about residents and visitors in order to make institutions more responsive to public needs. In other words, if this works, it’s exportable.

Project members: Craig Earley, Thu Pham, faculty adviser Charlie Peck. All Data Science group involved in more general way.

This is our main notes Post. There will be still others going forward.

A lot of detail below the jump.


Note: this is our initial list of data. It is incomplete, at best. No guarantee any of it’s perfect. Part of our job will be to investigate.


Resources – General

Resources – Indiana

Resources – Wayne County and Richmond

Possible contact person: Ava Stewart, VP of Institutional Advancement, with Board of Community Advisers

Data Dive Events Elsewhere

Turns out other people have tried this, and they may have some insight. They call them Data Dives.

These events often go by the name of Data Dives. Typically they’re two-day events, and they do everything we’ve talked about doing, with the end goal of using data science for social good.

A few places that have done it:

These events have all involved non-profits. A local government should be pretty easy to include as well.